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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Artikel : Rumah Bergerak

firul says "best kan kalau ader rumah camnih....mewah lak tuh..tak yah bayar cukai tanah...hehehhe....tapi, alamat tetap pon takder..yang ader no plat...kalau nak antar surat pon, contoh : Kepada :
WDT 93,

posted by PuTERAKL @ 5:59 PM   |

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Artikel : Little Hand

Truly amazing...

A picture began circulating in November. It should be "The Picture of the Year," or perhaps, "Picture of the Decade." It won't be. In fact, unless you obtained a copy of the US paper which published it, you probably will never see it. The picture is that of a 21-week-old unborn baby named Samuel Alexander Armas, who is being operated on by a surgeon named Joseph Bruner. The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would not survive if removed from his mother's womb. Little Samuel's mother, Julie Armas, is an obstetrics nurse in Atlanta. She knew of Dr. Bruner's remarkable surgical procedure. Practicing at Vanderbilt University Medical Centre in Nashville, he performs these special operations while the baby is still in the womb.

During the procedure, the doctor removes the uterus via C-section and makes a small incision to operate on the baby. As Dr. Bruner completed the surgery on little Samuel, the little guy reached his tiny, but fully developed, hand through the incision and firmly grasped the surgeon's finger.

In a Time Europe article highlighting new pregnancy imagery that show the formation of major organs and other significant evidence of the formation of human life but a few days after conception, Dr. Bruner was reported as saying that when his finger was grasped, it was the most emotional moment of his life, and that for an instant during the procedure he was just frozen, totally immobile. The photograph captures this amazing event with perfect clarity.

The editors titled the picture, "Hand of Hope." The text explaining the picture begins, "The tiny hand of 21-week-old foetus Samuel Alexander Armas emerges from the mother's uterus to grasp the finger of Dr. Joseph Bruner as if thanking the doctor for the gift of life." Little Samuel's mother said they "wept for days" when they saw the picture.She said, "The photo reminds us my pregnancy isn't about disability or an illness, it's about a little person." Samuel was born in perfect health, the operation 100 per cent successful. Now see the actual picture, and it is awesome...incredible.

firul says "hm..camner ?...power gak doktor tuh kan ?... anyway..semua ni kuasa Allah..dengan keizinanNya jugak...tak gitu?.. wassalam."

posted by PuTERAKL @ 9:23 PM   |

Monday, September 20, 2004

Artikel : Mat Rempit

firul says "haaa....amacam...ada berani?...saper berani buat cam budak tuh...heheh....itulah kelebihan mat rempit..depa tarak takut mati..ader insurans 1 juta kot....huhuhuhuh..:))"

posted by PuTERAKL @ 6:40 PM   |

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Artikel : 8 Petanda Si Dia Adalah Jodoh Anda

Dua manusia yang merasa saling berjodoh pasti memiliki ikatan emosional, spiritual dan fizikal antara keduanya. Hanya dengan menatap mata atau mendengar suaranya, kita akan merasakan getaran dan seolah ingin terus bersamanya. Benarkah seperti itu?

Lalu, apakah ada petanda lainnya agar seseorang dapat merasakan bahawa si dia jodoh (soulmate) kita atau bukan?

Petanda 1
Rahsia sepasang kekasih agar dapat memiliki usia hubungan yang panjang adalah dengan adanya saling kerjasama. Kamu dan dia selalu dapat saling membantu, dalam urusan remeh atau besar. Paling penting adalah kamu berdua selalu dapat melalui segala aspek kehidupan secara bersama-sama. Dan semuanya terasa amat menyenangkan meskipun tanpa harus melibatkan orang lain. Apakah kamu sudah merasakan perkara tersebut? Jika ya, selamat... kerana ada harapan bahawa dia adalah calon pendamping hidup kamu!

Petanda 2
Salah satu kriteria yang menentukan sesuai atau tidaknya dia sebagai jodoh kamu atau bukan adalah kemampuannya bersikap bersahaja di depan kamu. Cuba sekarang perhatikan, apakah gerak-gerinya, caranya berpakaian, gaya rambutnya, caranya berbicara serta tertawanya mengesankan apa adanya? Apakah setiap ucapannya selalu tampak spontan dan tidak dibuat-buat? Jika tidak, maaf kemungkinan besar dia bukan jodoh kamu!

Petanda 3
Adanya deria batiniah membuat hati kamu berdua dapat selalu saling tahu. Dan bila kamu atau si dia dapat saling membaca fikiran dan menduga reaksi serta perasaannya satu sama lainnya pada situasi tertentu. Selamat! Sebenarnya dialah destini kebahagian kamu...

Petanda 4
Bersamanya dapat membuat perasaan kamu menjadi tenang, selesa dan tanpa perasaan tertekan. Berjam-jam bersamanya, setiap waktu dan setiap hari tanpa membuat kamu merasa bosan... Inilah petanda bahawa kamu berdua kelak akan saling terikat.

Petanda 5
Dia selalu ada untuk kamu dalam situasi apapun. Dan dia selalu dapat memahami situasi dalam hati kamu baik dalam suka dan duka. Percayalah pasangan yang berjodoh pasti tak takut mengalami pasang-surut, suka-duka saat bersama. Sekarang, ingat-ingat kembali. Apakah dia orang pertama yang datang memberi bantuan tatkala kamu dirundung musibah? Dia selalu faham saat emosi kamu terganggu? Dia tahu keadaan waktu anda sakit? Jika ya, tak salah lagi. Dialah orangnya...

Petanda 6
Dia tak terlalu peduli dengan masa lalu keluarga kamu, dia tak peduli dengan masa lalu kamu saat bersama kekasih terdahulu. Dia juga tak malu-malu menceritakan masa lalunya... Nah, kalau begitu ini bisa berarti dia sudah siap menerima kamu apa adanya..

Petanda 7
Setiap orang pasti memiliki kekurangan, dan kamu tak malu-malu perlihatkannya pada si dia. Bahkan pada saat kamu tampil 'buruk' di depannya sekalipun, misalnya saat kamu bangun tidur atau saat kamu sakit dan tak mandi selama dua hari. Ataupun menceritakan sejujurnya kepada kamu tentang kelemahan dan kekurangannya... Nah! Kamu dan dia memangnya disuratkan untuk bersama!

Petanda 8
Bila merasa rahsia kamu bisa lebih selamat di tangannya daripada di tangan sahabat-sahabat kamu yang lain. Atau kamu merasa sudah tak dapat lagi menyimpan rahsia apapun darinya, maka berbahagialah! Kerana ini bererti pasangan sejati telah kamu temukan!

Apakah kelapan petanda di atas telah kamu temukan padanya?

firul says "hmm....selain itu, kiter kena ingat, kita hanya merancang...but Dia yang menentukan...wassalam..."

posted by PuTERAKL @ 4:36 PM   |

Friday, September 17, 2004

Tazkirah : Rama-rama Dan Cinta Lelaki

Wahai wanita, anda adalah perhiasan. Dunia ini menjadi indah kerana adanya anda yg bernama wanita. Tanpa anda dunia pasti diselubungi sugul. Para lelaki yg mendiami bumi ini akan ketandusan kasih. Dunia pasti tidak menarik untuk didiami. Rasanya dunia akan penuh dengan kekejaman dan perbuatan2 sampai hati sesama sendiri.

Wahai wanita, anda ibarat rama-rama yg mengindahkan lagi alam. Anda telah menyempurnakan keindahan bunga. Sempurnalah keindahan apabila bunga dikitari sang rama-rama. Namun anda yg bernama wanita, mengapa ramai sekali yg sengaja merosakkan diri di tengah2 kebuasan lelaki.

Memang keinginan untuk berteman fitrah insan, tapi tak usah mangsakan diri anda untuk lelaki yg kurang perasaan. Tamsilkanlah diri anda sebagaimana rama-rama. Keindahan anda mudah terlerai sebagaimana mudahnya rama-rama terlerai daripada keindahannya apabila ia disentuh.

Tatkala rama-rama sudah hilang keindahan, tiada siapa akan pedulikannya lagi. Memang ramai wanita berasa bangga apabila ia digilai ramai lelaki. Tapi wahai wanita, sayap anda yg indah itu pasti luntur sedikit demi sedikit, melekat dijari lelaki tatkala dia menyentuh anda, sebagaimana sayap rama-rama berpindah coraknya kejari anda tatkala anda menyentuh serangga yg kecil itu.

Apakah anda tidak berasa rugi? Apakah anda tidak berasa apa2 yg hilang?

Jika anda seorang wanita sejati, anda patut berasa rugi sebab ketahuilah, lelaki amat berbangga sekali apabila dia dapat meletakkan tangannya keatas tubuh anda sedangkan dia tahu, dia tidak berhak berbuat begitu. Bezanya lelaki dengan wanita, lelaki tidak kehilangan apa2 biar berapa ramai wanita yg berada disekelilingnya, tapi anda pasti rugi setiap kali ada tangan2 yg tidak berhak hinggap di tubuh anda.

Hanya dengan sekali sentuh corak rama-rama sudah boleh musnah, kalau dua kali sentuh mungkin seluruh coraknya tiada, kalau tiga kali sentuh tidak mustahil sayap yg asalnya indah itu terkoyak. Jatuhlah sang rama-rama diatas tanah tanpa siapa mempedulikannya lagi.

Lihatlah kehidupan dari sudut yg begini. Agar dengan itu anda dapat memelihara diri daripada menjadi habuan sang lelaki yg hanya ingin mencalitkan noda keatas diri anda. Apa untungnya digilai dan diminati, kemudian berkorban sesuatu apabila ditagih atau diragut dengan kasar, kemudian anda ditinggalkan pergi. Di manakah nilai anda setelah jatuh ke tanah dan kedua2 belah sayap anda telah tiada.

Wahai wanita, kasihilah diri anda dengan menjadikan diri anda berharga. Nilai anda tentu terletak pada harga diri yg hanya sanggup dibayar oleh seorang lelaki dengan harga kejujuran. Apalah ertinya digilai kalau yg menggilai ! hanya lelaki yg tidak tahu diri.

Anda sama sekali tidak berharga biarpun tinggi nilainya di mata lelaki yg tahunya melihat anda sebagai alat. Tapi anda ibarat mutiara dipuncak bukit di mata seorang lelaki yg jujur. Memang sukar sedikit untuk mencari mereka. Biar terlewat, sebab bersikap pemilih daripada tersalah pilih. Lelaki terbaik tidak mudah ditemui di mana2. Dia satu dalam seribu. Sudah tentu untuk mencarinya payah. Itu lebih baik daripada bertemu insan yg salah, sudahnya hanya mencemarkan hidup anda.

Biar hidup sendiri dan selesa membina pahala daripada hidup berdua tetapi menjadi pencetus dosa ke neraka. Biar hidup seorang dan berenang menuju TUHAN dengan selesa dan bahagia, daripada hidup berdua dan merasakan diri masih menggoda untuk semua. Biar hidup sendiri dan masih kekal serinya daripada dikelilingi lelaki tetapi telah hilang maruah diri. Biar lambat bertemu jodoh tetapi tinggi peribadi daripada cepat jodohnya tetapi tidak lama ditinggalkan pergi.
Biar menjadi rama-rama dengan sayapnya yg terang dan indah daripada sang kelkatu yg menerjah api. WAHAI WANITA, HARGA DIRI ANDA, ANDA YG MENENTUKAN

Note: Wanita dijadikan dari tulang rusuk kiri, bukan dari tulang kepala untuk memerintah lelaki dan bukan juga tulang kaki untuk menghamba diri pada lelaki, tetapi tulang yang dekat dengan jantung lelaki...untuk merasai setiap degup jantung lelaki yang mencintainya denagn penuh kehormatan dan kasih sayang."

firul says "macam mana ?... ader kesan tak kat korang ?.... harap2 ader la yer...:))"

posted by PuTERAKL @ 8:21 PM   |

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Artikel : Shocking Malaysia from Ipoh

firul says "ekekek...rasa lawak lak biler kat shouts aku tuh Junaidix cakap die takleh nak komen..aku agak korang ramai pon sure gitu kan ?...aku harap korang tak fokuskan unsur 18SX dalam artikel tuh...but cuber tengok iktibar dari cerita tuh...bukan susah sangat Allah nak lakukan...just 'kun fa ya kun'...and kalau Allah nak, tak mustahil nowadays ramai yang melekat...jadi kerja or post baru kat hospital...'Pemisah'..hahahha...wallahhualam..:)"

posted by PuTERAKL @ 9:01 AM   |

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Artikel : Bila Pintu Kaabah Dibuka

firul says "ramai giler orang jaga tuh...aku rasa maybe king fahd nak masuk dalam kaabah kot...."

posted by PuTERAKL @ 9:29 AM   |

Monday, September 13, 2004

Tazkirah : Keistimewaan Wanita Menurut Hadis

1. Doa wanita itu lebih makbul daripada lelaki kerana sifat penyayang yang lebih kuat daripada lelaki. Ketika ditanya kepada Rasulullah SAW akan hal tersebut, jawab baginda , " Ibu lebih penyayang daripada bapa dan doa orang yang penyayang tidak akan sia-sia."

2. Wanita yang solehah (baik) itu lebih baik daripada 1000 lelaki yang soleh.

3. Barangsiapa yang menggembirakan anak perempuannya, darjatnya seumpama orang yang sentiasa menangis kerana takutkan Allah .Dan orang yang takutkan Allah SWT akan diharamkan api neraka ke atas tubuhnya.

4. Wanita yang tinggal bersama anak-anaknya akan tinggal bersama aku (Rasulullah SAW) di dalam syurga.

5. Barangsiapa membawa hadiah (barang makanan dari pasar ke rumah lalu diberikan kepada keluarganya) maka pahalanya seperti melakukan amalan bersedekah.Hendaklah mendahulukan anak perempuan daripada anak lelaki. Maka barangsiapa ya ng menyukakan anak perempuan seolah-olah dia memerdekakan anak Nabi Ismail.

6. Syurga itu di bawah telapak kaki ibu.

7. Barangsiapa mempunyai tiga anak perempuan atau tiga saudara perempuan atau dua anak perempuan atau dua saudara perempuan lalu dia bersikap ihsan dalam pergaulan dengan mereka dan mendidik mereka dengan penuh rasa takwa serta sikap bertanggungjawab, maka baginya adalah syurga.

8. Apabila memanggil akan dirimu dua orang ibu bapamu, maka jawablah panggilan ibumu terlebih dahulu.

9. Daripada Aisyah r.a." Barangsiapa yang diuji dengan sesuatu daripada anak-anak perempuannya lalu dia berbuat baik kepada mereka, maka mereka akan menjadi penghalang baginya daripada api neraka.

10. Wanita yang taat berkhidmat kepada suaminya akan tertutuplah pintu-pintu neraka dan terbuka pintu-pintu syurga. Masuklah dari mana-mana pun pintu yang dia kehendaki dengan tidak dihisab.

11. Wanita yang taat pada s uaminya, maka semua ikan-ikan di laut, burung di udara, malaikat di langit, matahari dan bulan semua beristighfar baginya selama mana dia taat kepada suaminya serta menjaga solat dan puasanya.

12. Aisyah r.a berkata, "Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah, siapakah yang lebih besar haknya terhadap wanita?" Jawab Rasulullah SAW "Suaminya." " Siapa pula berhak terhadap lelaki?" Jawab Rasulullah SAW, "Ibunya."

13. Perempuan apabila sembahyang lima waktu, puasa di bulan Ramadhan, memelihara kehormatannya serta kepada suaminya, masuklah dia dari pintu syurga mana sahaja yang dikehendaki.

14. Tiap perempuan yang menolong suaminya dalam urusan agama, maka Allah SWT memasukkan dia ke dalam syurga terlebih dahulu daripada suaminya (10,000 tahun).

15. Apabila seseorang perempuan mengandung janin dalam rahimnya,maka beristighfarlah para malaikat untuknya. Allah SWT mencatatkan baginya setiap hari dengan 1,000 kebajikan dan menghapuskan darinya 1,000 kejahatan.

16. Apabila seseorang perempuan mulai sakit hendak bersalin, maka Allah SWT mencatatkan baginya pahala orang yang berjihad pada jalan Allah.

17. Apabila seseorang perempuan melahirkan anak, keluarlah dia dari dosa-dosa seperti keadaan ibunya melahirkannya.

18. Apabila telah lahir anak lalu disusui, maka bagi ibu itu setiap satu tegukan daripada susunya diberi satu kebajikan.

19. Apabila semalaman seorang ibu tidak tidur dan memelihara anaknya yang sakit, maka Allah SWT memberinya pahala seperti memerdekakan 70 orang hamba dengan ikhlas untuk membela agama Allah SWT.

firul says "best kan perempuan....:)"

posted by PuTERAKL @ 10:13 AM   |

Friday, September 10, 2004

Artikel : Earless Cat

firul says "cute kan ?....isk...aku dah lama tak bela kucing...huhuhuhh....nanti nak balik kerat telinga kucing jiran aku..:p...hahahahha"

posted by PuTERAKL @ 1:03 PM   |

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Artikel : Royal Brunei Wedding

firul says "amacam ?...cun kan bini die .... :))"

posted by PuTERAKL @ 5:14 PM   |

Monday, September 06, 2004

Artikel : ....and the pressure is on men...

Malaysians are getting married at older age. Why? Let me give an example.It is a little bit long example. If you want to skip it, there is a summary at the end. Say you are a fresh graduate at that age of 23, a male, starting a carier as an executive officer working somewhere in KL with a salary, say RM2000 per month and without any saving in the bank.

Monthly, extracting your expenditures on foods, transportation (public or motorcycle), electricity, water, phone, house rent and other expenses, say you can save about RM800 the most. Then, because you are a good son, you send some money to your parents or relatives about RM300 per month. This will give you a balance of RM500 of saving. For the first year,
maybe you are very discipline with your budget, so you save about RM5000.

The next year at the age of 24, you meet a girl of your dream. Both of you plan to get married after one year or two. Ok, that's fine, it gives you time to save some more money and some more time to prepare the basic necessities for a 'happy' family?a car and a roof to live under.

That year because you are a hard worker, you get a raise of 10%. Since you are also a gentleman, you make sure some money is put aside to spend on dates and gifts for your girl, so 10% goes for her. Like the previous year, after much sweat and meggie-eating months, you save another RM5000. Your company is doing ok. You are paid 2 months bonus. So, another RM4000 is added to your saving. So, your total saving now is RM14,000. You decide to spend
about RM8000 on a brand-new RM40,000 car downpayment. So, you net saving that year is RM6000.

The next year at the age of 25, you are doing fine at work. But because now you have to pay for car every month, your total monthly saving is cut down to about RM400. You save roughly about RM5000 that year. No bonus that year because your company is doing poor. So, your total saving in the bank is RM11,000. Then, you decide to get engaged with your girlfriend. She
said OK. So, need to buy an engagement ring. RM1500 is spent on ring plus 'hantaran pertunangan'. So, your net saving that year is RM9,500.

The next year at the age of 26, you get promoted. Your salary now is 1.5 of your starting salary at the company. Good news! You think. "Ok, this year I will get married". You also are 'gersang' already. :) So, you ask your fiancée "how much is the dowry (hantaran)? " She say,
"berapa-berapa yang u sanggup". You ask,"RM5000 ok?". She replies, "I okay je. Tapi my mom tu. Dia kata grad oversea macam I ni mane boleh letak rendah-rendah. Paling kurang RM10,000 tau!".

Your eyes 'terjegil', your tounge 'meleleh' and you faint on the spot.

"Where else in the world can I get extra money?", you said to yourself. But, because you are very determined to get married with your dream girl and in the name of love, you work really really hard that year until you are awarded "The Best Employee of The Year". You get 3 months of bonus. You also do some side business to supply ayam pencen. So, roughly your net
saving at the end of that year is RM20,000.

Ok, now you are 27 years old with enough saving in the bank to pay for the dowry. But then, come your mom saying,"Anak mak nak kawin ni mesti la buat grand grand. Kita sewa khemah besar-besar, jemput penyanyi ke artis ke sorang dua datang buat persembahan. Lauk pauk kita cater aje la ya? RM10 je sekepala. Baju kawin ko, kita sewa yg cantik-cantik dan mahal-mahal

"Kita jemput dalam 1000 orang datang ok?"

You did a quick in-the-head-calculation,

"1000xRM10=RM10,000, penyanyi lagi, khemah lagi, buta-buta je RM15,000!!! Tu tak masuk cincin kahwin lagi!!"

You said,"Mak, nak buat apa membazir-bazir duit ni?"

Your mom replies,"Apa pulak membazirnya? Kau kawin sekali je seumur hidup. Biarlah buat betul-betul."

You insist,"Tapi mak?"

Your mom says, "Dahlah, kau jangan nak buat malu mak. Cik Tipah (e'eh..kak tipah berlakon gak aa..hehe) jiran kita tu buat kenduri kat hotel siap dato', datin, tan sri puan sri lagi datang. Mana la mak nak letak muka kalau buat kenduri kecik kecik?".

Anyway, you finally get married. But, a beautiful happy life after marriage that you dream of with your wife does not last long. You have debts around your waist, interest gets higher every month, cannot afford to pay them, you wife gets tired of you asking money from her, she accuses you of being irresponsible husband for not being a good provider, blah blah blah?

At the end, you two go into separate ways? You get divorced.

Problem breeds problem? Sometimes we wonder why marriage institution is failing in our country. The above example may not represent the whole phenomena in our culture, but perhaps it gives us some ideas of the problems young couple these days are facing in getting married from my perspective.

The Root Cause of The Problem...

There is something wrong in our culture. I really think there are some practices in our culture in Malaysia (Malay culture specifically) that do not make sense and especially they are contrary to the teaching of Islam. These practices are well-rooted in our culture that unfortunately because
of them, many people are 'afraid' to get married, or simply feel like they cannot afford when they are actually can afford. These are some of my observation and summary analysis:

(1) Marriage should be done in the most modest way but in Malaysia, it is ought to be done in the most lavish way. Competition on whose wedding is the most grandeur is almost unavoidable. Fame is usually the reason why people spend unreasonable and wasteful amount of money for a wedding.

(2) The "price" of a woman is measured according to her perhaps educational background, physical attributes and family social status not according to her knowledge and understanding of Deen and piety as suggested by the religion. The saddest thing is that "price" is put on women, who are supposed to be, if God-loving, kind-hearted and pious ones, "priceless"! 'Dowry' system is adopted by the Malays from perhaps the Indians who came to Malaysia long time ago. When the 'dowry' is put too high and men can't afford to pay, marriage is usually delayed or cancelled. An effort to build another small brick unit of this Deen is delayed or perhaps destroyed only
for this reason.

(3) Marriage should be a quick and easy process for the couple not hard, which eventually becomes a burden. These days, we make marriage so complicated that people are afraid of getting married. When I was in the US, I saw Muslim brothers and sisters getting married at the mosque, with just some sweets as the main course for the guests. The guests who were invited to witness the ceremony were usually whoever prayed jemaah at the mosque or some close relatives and friends. There is no point of being extravagance. We should focus on the life after wedding not the wedding itself. Wedding is only a door to the marriage house. Why should we spent a lot of money to decorate the door so beautifully, when the inside of the house is then left empty, dark and unattractive?

...and the pressure is on men...

firul says "hm...aku dapat dari ?...kena tak batang idung kiter sumer....yang pressure nyer,orang laki jugak...huhuhuhu..."

posted by PuTERAKL @ 1:40 PM   |

Friday, September 03, 2004

Boring² : Gangster Jr.

firul says "isk...ganas siot budak tuh..kalau adik aku, kecik-kecik lagi aku kasi penyepak...kasi jadi budak baik...heheh....kalau tak, jadi aa another Anakku tak ?..tuiiiii.....hehhehehe :))"

posted by PuTERAKL @ 3:22 PM   |

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Artikel : Anwar Freed As Court Quashes Sodomy Conviction

PUTRAJAYA, Sept 2 (Bernama) -- Former Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was freed Thursday after nearly six years in jail when the Federal Court upheld his appeal against conviction for sodomy.

Federal Court judges Datuk Abdul Hamid Mohamad, Datin Paduka Rahmah Hussain and Tengku Datuk Baharuddin Shah Tengku Mahmud decided with a 2-1 majority to overturn Anwar's conviction and nine-year jail sentence imposed on Aug 2, 2000.

Anwar, 57, was sentenced on April 14, 1999 to six years' jail on four counts of corruption relating to abuse of power by interfering in police investigations into allegations of sexual misconduct.

Anwar's release from prison Thursday comes exactly six years after he was sacked from the Cabinet.

The court also overturned the conviction and six-year jail sentence on Anwar's adopted brother, Sukma Darmawan Sasmitaat Madja.

They were found guilty of sodomising Anwar's family driver, Azizan Abu Bakar, at Sukma's Tivoli Villa apartment in affluent Bangsar here between January and March 1993.

Anwar thanked the judges for quashing his conviction and sentence, saying: "May God Bless You."

Outside the courthouse, he told reporters: "Thank God that it is over. But I remain committed with my struggle for justice.

"I also give credit to the Prime Minister."

Wearing a neck brace, Anwar arrived at the courthouse in a wheelchair. He was accompanied from Hospital Kuala Lumpur, where he was being treated, by police cars and motorcycle outriders.

The vehicle which brought Anwar headed straight for the underground carpark behind the courthouse but waiting journalists and photographers were unable to follow as the entrance was then locked.

Gathered outside the courthouse were about 400 of Anwar's supporters including from Parti Keadilan and PAS, some who came as early as 7am.

Among those spotted there were Keadilan Vice President Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, PAS Secretary General Nasaruddin Mat Isa and the DAP Member of Parliament for Seputeh Teresa Kok Suh Sim.

In an 88-page judgment, Justice Abdul Hamid said the prosecution had failed to prove the case against Anwar and Sukma beyond reasonable doubt as required by the law on admissible evidence and in accordance with established principles of law.

Even if the court were to find evidence to confirm Anwar and Sukma were involved in homosexual activities and were more inclined to believe that the alleged incident did happen, the court might only convict them if the prosecution had successfully proved the alleged offences beyond reasonable doubt, he added.

He said that the issue to be determined by the court was whether, at the end of the prosecution's case, it had proven beyond reasonable doubt that Anwar and Sukma had sodomised Azizan at the Tivoli Villa one night between January and March 1993, and in Sukma's case, whether he abetted the offence committed by Anwar.

Justice Abdul Hamid said the essential part of the offence had not been proven by the prosecution as Azizan, being the only source for the date of the offence, showed inconsistency and contradiction when giving evidence and was, therefore, not a reliable source.

He said Azizan's evidence on the date of the incident was doubtful as he had given three different dates in three different years, the first two covering a period of one month each and the last covering a period of three months.

In the charge, dated Oct 5, 1998, against Anwar regarding Tivoli Villa, the date of the commission of the offence given by Azizan was May 1994.

When Sukma was charged on April 23, 1999, the date of the offence was given as May 1992 and the charge against Anwar was amended from May 1994 to May 1992.

On June 7, 1999, the charges were again amended from May 1992 to "between the months of January and March 1993".

Justice Abdul Hamid said Sukma's confession was inadmissible as it appeared not to have been made voluntarily. Even if admissible, it would not support the date of the commission of the offences alleged, he added.

The court ruled that it was incumbent on the trial judge to hold a confession inadmissible if there appeared to be suspicious circumstances surrounding the making or recording of the confession.

Justice Abdul Hamid said that there seemed to be so many unusual things that happened regarding Sukma's arrest and confession, before and after the confession was made.

The confession came after 10 days of intensive interrogation and 12 days of detention (up to the time he made the statement to a magistrate) when for all intents and purposes he was arrested as a witness but interrogated as an offender and ended up as an accused, twice.

Indeed, he was charged two days later for allowing Anwar to sodomise him, the record of which was introduced as evidence in his trial.

Justice Abdul Hamid also found Azizan to be an accomplice. Therefore, corroborative evidence of a convincing, cogent and irresistible character was required, he said.

By Azizan's own evidence, he was sodomised 10 to 15 times at various places, including in Anwar's house, over a number of years. He never lodged any report, never complained about it and he did not leave the job immediately after he was sodomised the first time.

Justice Abdul Hamid said while the testimonies of Dr Mohamed Fadzil Man who examined Sukma on Nov 10, 1994 and former Inspector-General of Police Tun Haniff Omar and Anwar's conduct confirmed both their involvement in homosexual activities, such evidence did not corroborate Azizan's story that he was sodomised by them at the place, time and date specified in the charge.

In the absence of any corroborative evidence it was unsafe to convict them on the evidence of an accomplice alone unless his evidence was unusually convincing or for some reason was of special weight which the court found it was not, he added.

He stressed that the prosecution must prove its case beyond reasonable doubt before the defence might be called.

He said the High Court had misdirected itself in calling them to enter their defence. Instead, they should have been acquitted at the end of the prosecution case.

In her dissenting judgement, Justice Rahmah Hussain said that even though there were discrepancies in Azizan's testimony relating to the date of the offence, that did not straightaway make Azizan an unreliable witness and the whole story of his evidence unacceptable.

The discrepancies were not fatal to the prosecution's case since, in sexual offences, the date was not a vital ingredient of the charge.

As to the issue of voluntariness of Sukma's confession, she found no good reason to disagree with the concurrent finding of the High Court judge and the Court of Appeal. She agreed that details in the confession rendered an inevitable conclusion that it must be given voluntarily.

She also agreed with the finding of fact by the High Court judge that Azizan was not an accomplice.

There was nothing to suggest that Azizan "concurred fully in the criminal designs of another for a certain time, until getting alarmed or for some other cause, turn against his former associate and gave information against him."

She said Azizan was no more an accomplice than a rape victim and was ashamed and afraid to lodge a police report against both of them.

"Therefore, since Azizan was not an accomplice, no corroborative evidence was required before the court could make a finding that Azizan was credible," she said.


Source :

firul says "finally keluar gak die...aku siap masuk u and kuar u and dah keje pon, baru die kuar...yerlah koz last time die konvicted aku baru tingkat lima...bagi anwar, tentulah merdeka kali ni, merdeka paling bermakna buat die...bukan sajer dah 47 tahun mengecapi kemerdekaan malah bagi anwar lebih bererti kerana kemerdekaan ini adalah untuk dirinya sendiri... (gulp..ayat aku ker nih ?..hahahha)... anyway, tak sabar plak aku nak tengok aper akan jadi kelak....wallahualam....:)... "

posted by PuTERAKL @ 5:44 PM   |

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